Fair Housing Certification Course
June 27, 2022
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
VAMA’s very own Fair Housing course, will outline the various key components of Fair Housing as well as delve into some of the current critical issues at the forefront of Fair Housing today. Students will be challenged to look past what they “know” and think about each fair housing topic anew.
Keeping Fair Housing programming fresh and relevant will help students and industry professionals think about it in new ways while maintaining the core education on protected classes and the history of Fair Housing laws.
VAMA intends to foster higher individual compliance and awareness by increasing the student’s understanding of the nuances of Fair Housing law and practice. Join us for this 3-hour course to renew not only your Fair Housing Certification but your understanding of the law.
CEC’s Available: You will receive 3 continuing education credits for attending this event that you may apply to your CALP, CAM, CAPS, CAMT or CAS Credential. This course can be submitted to the Virginia Fair Housing Board for fair housing requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: Attendees cannot share email addresses! Each attendee will be required to register with their own unique email address (can be personal or work). A personalized meeting link will be emailed to you and you must access it from your own computer or device. This is a requirement so we can track attendance for each person.
Online registrations available until 6/24/22.
For More Information: