Clean Up Day at the Duckworth School

Friday, April 13, 2018
6:00 AM (EDT)
to Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 2:00 AM (EDT)
Category: Community Services

Roll up your sleeves for Clean Up Day at Duckworth which is set for Friday,
April 13, 2018, with a Rain Date of Monday, April 16.

We will offer three shifts for volunteers: 7:30 to 9:00am; 9:00 to Noon; Noon to 2:00pm.

*Please notice the time change*

Please bring your ID with you. 

All members are invited to roll up their sleeves at this Prince George’s County school for children with disabilities. We will clean and landscape the school so that it is in tip-top shape for the Special Olympics Challenge Day.

NEW Tee shirts have been designed for 2018 are $20 per shirt. Proceeds go to the school. Sizes are S, M, L, XL, XXL and XXXL.  Members are encouraged to their teeshirt(s) by completing the Tee Shirt Order Form!

Please sign up for Clean Up Day and indicate in the Note Box which time you would prefer. Questions?  Email Jeanne Clarke,


COMING UP SOON...See Separate Registration Page:

Special Olympics Challenge Day at James E. Duckworth School
Friday, April 20, 9:00am
– All members are invited to cheer on students as they compete in the annual Special Olympics competition.




For More Information:

Jeanne Clarke

Jeanne Clarke

Senior Vice President of Finance and Adminstration, AOBA

View Profile
