Clean-up Day at James E. Duckworth School

Friday, October 6, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
Category: Community Services

Join us for our LAST Clean-up Day

at James E. Duckworth School! 

The Community Outreach Committee is cleaning up the James E. Duckworth School for the last time!

For the last 20+ years, James E. Duckworth School has served Prince George's County students with disabilities ages 5 through 21.

AOBA has proudly supported the Duckworth school by supporting school projects such as:

  • Raising funds for a sensory room to assist autistic students
  • Renovating the teacher's lounge and independent living apartment
  • Building a blacktop track where students can exercise
  • Building a mobility playground with a sunshade so students can stay cool while playing
  • Creating and maintaining a nature trail
  • Installing exterior lighting and an internal speaker system

This year, we need your help in preparing the school for reopening in the fall by revitalizing its landscape. As a Cleanup Day volunteer, you will have the option to:

  • Clean up the nature trail
  • Weed and prune Veronica’s garden
  • Plant fall plants
  • Edge and trim the grounds
  • And much more!

Clean-up Day has always been a fun way for AOBA members to join together to keep the Duckworth School a clean and beautiful place for their students. Members will meet new friends, catch up with colleagues and enjoy a delicious lunch.

What Do You Need To Bring: Gardening gloves and please bring any of the following yard tools to aid the efforts: rakes, shovels, edgers, wheel barrels, etc.

What Should You Wear: Please dress appropriately for the weather and be sure to wear clothes you do not mind getting dirty.

For More Information:

Jeanne Clarke

Jeanne Clarke

Senior Vice President of Finance and Adminstration, AOBA

View Profile
