Have You Created Your Member Account?
Date postedNovember 28, 2016
Please Take a Moment to Create Your Member Account
To access the entire site and take advantage of all benefits, members will need their own password-protected user account. Note that our Advocacy section is restricted to members only, so please set up your account ASAP. We suggest that you bookmark it with your password saved! Download easy instructions to set up your account....or follow the instructions below.
Members (individuals of member companies) may set up their account as follows:
For individuals whose company is already a member:
If your company is already a member, follow the steps below:
- Follow this link
- Agree to the terms and conditions
- Simply enter your email and select a password.
Once your account is activated, you can take FULL advantage of our site:
- Update your profile online on your "Member Compass" page witha photo, logo, marketing details and more
- Make sure your correct mailing address is in our system so you can receive the bi-monthly INSIDE newsletter
- View your event registrations and attendance
- View and pay your invoices online
If your company is ready to join AOBA:
We are excited to have you as a new AOBA member. To get started, please follow the steps below:
- Click "Join" in the top right corner
- Choose "View Member Types"
- Select your member types
- Agree to the terms and conditions and choose to login via social (Facebook or Google+) or simply enter your email and select a password.
- Fill in your information as well as your company's information.
- Select your payment method as either invoice or credit card.
Questions? Concerns? Please email Eliot Hubbell.
We hope you enjoy your new member website. Feedback is welcome!